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 ione (+) i was addicted to you.

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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyLun 31 Déc - 23:37

Ohana means family and family means no one gets leaft behind or forgotten.
NOM : Davidson-Duncan, ces parents sont barges et ils lui ont données leurs deux patronymes. PRÉNOM(S) : Ione, ne cherchez pas une explication il n'y en a pas. SURNOM(S) : À toi de trouver, Ione c'est difficile. ÂGE : 18 ans, je suis grande maintenant DATE DE NAISSANCE : 13/06/1995 LIEU DE NAISSANCE : Santa Barbara, Californie QUARTIER DE RÉSIDENCE : West End, biiiitch. JOB/ÉTUDES : Foutrement dépensière, étudiante en communications. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : Ionesexuelle. Hétérosexuelle, elle tire parfois sur le bisexuelle, mais pas souvent. STATUT SOCIAL : Ça dépend de la température et de mon humeur. CÉLÉBRITÉ : Kendall Jenner CRÉDITS : Tumblr pour le gif & riverside pour l'avatar.
    CARACTÈRE À DÉVELOPPER (4 adjectifs min.) :
    sarcastique, elle l'est et pas rien qu'un peu. Beaucoup. C'est impossible pour elle de s'empêcher de répondre et questionner de façon sarcastique.
    loyale, s'il y a bien une qualité qu'Ione a et bien c'est bel et bien la loyauté. Il n'y a rien de plus important pour la demoiselle. Et parfois, elle n'hésite pas à tester ces amis uniquement pour s'assurer qu'ils sont loyaux à elle.
    manipulatrice, son pire défaut ? La manipulation. En plus d'être une très bonne menteuse, elle est également très manipulatrice et elle n'hésite pas à manipuler les gens pour obtenir ce qu'elle convoite et désire.
    amusante, elle aime faire rire les gens et Ione sait très bien comment divertir les gens. Lorsqu'on passe une journée/soirée avec elle, c'est certain qu'il n'y a aucuns moments de répits.
    fêtarde, Ione adore faire la fête, boire beaucoup d'alcool. Il lui arrive parfois de ne pas dormir du tout tellement elle fête énormément. C'est un sujet de dispute chez elle, mais elle s'en fout puisqu'elle continue de fêter, fêter de façon dure.
    intelligente, probablement la plus intelligente entre elle et son grand frère. Ione est très intelligente, mais elle n'utilise pas son intelligence de la bonne manière.

    Elle porte uniquement des vêtements de grandes marques ;
    Elle déteste avoir les cheveux attachés, alors elle laisse souvent ceux-ci détachés. Et elle déteste se faire couper les cheveux puisqu'elle adore ses longs cheveux ;
    C'est une grande fan d'Audrey Hepburn et elle peut écouter tous ses films sans se lasser ;
    Elle a énormément de goûts en matière de vêtements, accessoires, chaussures etc. ;

    Elle a longtemps détesté son prénom (+) elle couche à droite et à gauche et elle est facile à avoir (+) elle n'est pas proche de ses parents ni de son frère, en fait elle se sent comme une étrangère chez elle (+) elle aime écouter des films de Disney trouvant ceux-ci adorable et elle n'a pas honte à dire que jamais les films de Disney seront démodés (+) elle prends des cours pour apprendre le français (+) elle a un chien qu'elle a surnommé Tyron, le prénom de son ancien copain (+) elle a une certaine dignité, mais elle n'a pas honte du ridicule (+) elle porte souvent un collier avec une croix (+) elle ment très bien (+) elle ne fume pas, ne consomme pas - excepté complètement saoule.

the real you

pseudo : blueberry.
prénom : Sally.
âge : dix-huit ans.
où as-tu découvert le forum : via bazzart
ton avis : franchement ? je le trouve bien.
fréquence de connexion : régulière.
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyLun 31 Déc - 23:39

Quelles sont les trois personnes dont tu ne peux décidément pas de passer dans ta vie ? (tu peux développer)
Mon Iphone parce que c'est une question d'existence puisque sans ce beau bébé j'ignore comment je pourrais vivre. Non sérieusement, je crois bien que je ne pourrais jamais me passer de ma meilleure amie tout comme elle ne peut pas se passer de moi. Puis, je ne peux pas me passer de tous les mignons garçons qui existent sur la planète.

Quelle est la chose la plus dingue que tu aies faite lorsque tu étais plus jeune ? (tu peux développer)
Je fais tout par amour. Et je fais tout pour l'amour. À douze ans, j'étais (faussement) amoureuse d'un garçon et comme il semblait préférer les filles plus vieilles et plus jolies, alors une fois

Quels sont tes rapports avec ta famille ? (tu peux développer)
réponse ici

As-tu des rêves que tu aimerais accomplir ? Si oui, lesquels ? (tu peux développer)
réponse ici

Pour toi, la chose qui importe le plus dans la vie c'est :
faire plaisir à ceux que tu aimes
suivre tes propres rêves
réussir tout ce que tu entreprends
la réponse D

Où te vois-tu dans vingt ans :
divorcé(e) trois fois
à la campagne avec tes 72 chats
probablement mort

Tu es plutôt :
comédies romantiques
dessins animés
gros blockbusters
films d'horreur
je préfère lire des livres

Lorsque qu'on te parle de la fin du monde, tu penses :
à la mort
à ce que tu vas porter le jour J
à vivre ta vie au maximum
au film "2012"

A quel personnage de série t'identifies-tu le plus :
à Phoebe Buffay, de "Friends"
à Damon Salvatore, de "Vampire Diaries"
à Brooke Davis, de "One Tree Hill"
à Sheldon Cooper, de "The Big Bang Theory"
à Rachel Berry, de "Glee"
à Jake Rosati, de "Awkward"
à Bree Van de Kamp, de "Desperate Housewives"
à Charlie Harper, de "Two and a Half Men"

Si tu avais la possibilité de tout quitter et de repartir à zéro, où irais-tu vivre :
dans une grande métropole, comme Paris, New York ou Tokyo
dans un coin perdu à la campagne, au milieu des champs de blé
sur une île paradisiaque
pourquoi je voudrais quitter la vie que j'ai ?
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 0:09

AAAAAH KYLIE, jotebez ione (+) i was addicted to you. 583886846 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 583886846 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060
J'exige un super lien mega fou suite à ta validation ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361
Sinon déjà BONNE ANNÉE et bienvenue sur TMH dans cette nouvelle ère aha ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606
Si tu as des questions ou autres n'hésites pas à venir nous voir I love you
Aller bon courage pour ta fiche et on se retrouve pour notre lien après ione (+) i was addicted to you. 239769179
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 0:22

zayn, le beau gosse. ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060
par contre, c'est pas kylie, mais kendall <-- ouais, j'sais elles se ressemblent trop ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1881463262

Merci à toi et bonne année I love you
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 0:37

Le pire c'est que je fais bien la différence je sais pas ce qui m'a prit, l'emgouement du nouvel an ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1881463262 En plus Kendall des deux c'est la ploubelle ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 10:42

KENDALL C'EST LA PLUS BELLE ! KENDALL JE LA VEUX DANS MON LIT ! ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4064327615

En tout cas bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 14:59

HAAAAN KENDALL JE KIFF CETTE MEUF. ione (+) i was addicted to you. 173490454
Bienvenue miss ! Merde pour ta fichette. ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3448522082
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 23:11

TAYLOR & ARIANA, j'vous baise toutes les deux. ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361
Merci à vous deux I love you
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 23:19

OH BORDEL KENDALL OH BORDEL OH BORDEL ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1003453391 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1023543481 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 583886846 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 173490454
BIENVENUE SEKSY MADAME ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMar 1 Jan - 23:32

annnw. ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2025741497 un des parfait Harris ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMer 2 Jan - 12:37

KENDALL ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2025741497
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyMer 2 Jan - 13:36

Hello !!! Bienvenue sur le forum !
Et bonne année !!!!! =D ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1519678059
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✔ A DÉBARQUÉ LE : 10/10/2012
✔ MESSAGES : 335
✔ CRÉDITS : heartless screen | Tumblr.

ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyVen 4 Jan - 16:07

Bienvenue sur TMH et merci de ton inscription ione (+) i was addicted to you. 173490454
KENDALL, ELLE EST TROP CANON CETTE MEUF ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361
Bon courage pour ta fiche ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1702432606
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptySam 5 Jan - 10:19

Bienv'nue & fighting pour ta fiche poulette. ♥
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 20:38

Winnie P. Cupster a écrit:
KENDALL ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2025741497
JADE ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3166301656 dis, dis je peux te faire des bébés ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1519678059 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060

Jolann E. McCutcheon a écrit:
Hello !!! Bienvenue sur le forum !
Et bonne année !!!!! =D ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1519678059
Merci & bonne année à toi aussi (en retard) ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2013935694 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060

L.-Jagger Daniels a écrit:
Bienvenue sur TMH et merci de ton inscription ione (+) i was addicted to you. 173490454
KENDALL, ELLE EST TROP CANON CETTE MEUF ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4205929361
Bon courage pour ta fiche ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1702432606
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3828426745 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2253835432 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 281155270 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3458505197 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 299291385 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1247806006 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1183239709 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 2124793060 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1067841023 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1688595606 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806
Autant de smileys pour moi ? ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3477231806 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3501862779 LOUUUUUUIS, c'mec il est parfait ione (+) i was addicted to you. 4276145973 ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3641689417

Julia "Lou"-L. King a écrit:
Bienv'nue & fighting pour ta fiche poulette. ♥️
Merci I love you
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 20:41

Owiii tu peux me faire des bébés aucun problème ! Bon techniquement c'est difficile de se reproduire entre deux personnes de même sexe. (okay ma gueule je la ferme)
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 20:43

Oui, mais ça on s'en fout ione (+) i was addicted to you. 1881463262 Seriously, je vais venir te harceler pour un lien ione (+) i was addicted to you. 3123246341
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. EmptyDim 6 Jan - 20:46

Vas-y harcèle moi :)
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ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ione (+) i was addicted to you.   ione (+) i was addicted to you. Empty

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ione (+) i was addicted to you.

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